Love Pendant

The Love Pendant was created to help make a difference in the lives of orphaned Chinese children. After adopting my daughter in 2004, my heart went out to the children who were still there.

This Pendant and its proceeds is my way of helping those children.The full Chinese character for Love encases the symbol for heart inside of it. Love is a universal need in all of us. All the profits from the pendant will go to two organizations that are making a difference in the lives of orphaned children.

Also available: The Mayan Pendant!
The Mayan pendant was created for people touched by adoption from south American countries. The design is the Mayan symbol the Galactic Butterfly which is said to represent all of the consciousness that ever existed in this galaxy. Butterflies are seen as ancestors returning for a visit to physicality. Wearing one of these symbols is very powerful as it broadcasts your reaching to actively join the consciousness of our galaxy.


Sterling silver pendant is available in high polish or oxidized finish :: $150*
18 karat gold necklace :: $2000*

Please specify which necklace and which and finish when ordering. Prices do not include shipping and handling.

Use our Contact Form to place order and for further information

* Prices subject to change. Please contact us for further info.

Sterling silver pendant is available in high polish or oxidized finish :: $150*
18 karat gold necklace :: $2000*

Please specify which necklace and which and finish when ordering. Prices do not include shipping and handling.

Use our Contact Form to place order and for further information

* Prices subject to change. Please contact us for further info.